As the world fights to combat COVID-19, the Fourth Industrial Revolution holds the promise of technologies to help us battle the pandemics of today and the future. But governments will have to master how to safely share the data. Image: Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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The developing world has fundamentally changed since the 1990s, albeit in a more precarious way than it may at first seem. COVID-19 now threatens many of the gains. Image: Photo by Noah on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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COVID-19 may accelerate trends underway before the crisis with an acceleration of de-globalisation, rising US-China tensions, and a battle within nation-states among oligarchs,authoritarian populists, and liberal internationalists. Image: Photo by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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The impact of COVID is likely to accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution. That will create new opportunities - but imperil 15-30% of jobs in the next decade. Major interventions will be needed to help workers make the leap from old jobs to new. Image: Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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The politics of free trade is fundamentally changing. Whether - and how the world ‘deglobalises’ - or whether we learn to manage trade conflict and share the gains of trade - will profoundly affect the livelihoods of billions of people. Image: Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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A more innovative China doesn’t mean a less competitive America. But international institutions like the IMF, World Bank, WTO and WHO are not coping well with rising conflict. The G20 could help. Image: Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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The Sustainable Development Goals remains crucial to building a better, just and sustainable future. But, we must streamline the fight against inequalities, to improve the well-being of people, the health of our planet and economic capabilities. That’s the way to foster inclusion and help talents, skills and sustainable i Image: Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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Almost half of all jobs in Africa could be lost as COVID-19 hits. Recovery requires seizing the opportunity to rebuild more robust, competitive, and inclusive economies that unlock the productivity of all 1.2 billion citizens of the African continent. Image: Photo by Rohan Reddy on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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COVID-19 has turned the public focus back towards the state: citizens around the world are looking to their governments and their ability to deal with the pandemic and its social and economic ramifications. Image: Photo by Frederic Köberl on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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NEW STRATEGIES TO TACKLE THE JOBS EMERGENCY The investment needed to rebound from COVID-19 could accelerate our path to a net zero carbon world. But a new Social Contract is an essential component of the plan for change. Image: Guilherme Cunha on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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NEW STRATEGIES TO TACKLE THE JOBS EMERGENCY Key to recovering well will be Governments that quickly connect decision-makers, scientists and civil society organise intelligence effectively apply lessons to economic renewal and to decarbonization. Image: Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash
on 09.10.20
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Around the world parliamentarians are laser-focused on action to save lives and save livelihoods. As I write, the death toll from COVID-19, mounting every day, has now reached well over 400,000 people.
on 25.08.20
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South Africa is under a severe lockdown since 27 March. Only essential service workers, businesses, public transport and local travel for essential needs are allowed. There are no flights or sells of hot food, alcohol, cigarettes. Schools and universities are closed, though some of them are functioning through e-learning. A Image: Photo by Tim Johnson on Unsplash
on 23.08.20
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The imperative for Madagascar, after three months of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, is predominantly social. The great majority of the population lives day to day. The survival of the household depends on the journey earnings, which is already insufficient in normal times. Image: Photo by Shotlist on Unsplash
on 23.08.20
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Turkey has developed a macro-scale plan that covers health, economy, agriculture, security and diplomacy. The Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board was set up by the Ministry of Health on 10 January 2020, just following the emergence of the coronavirus outbreak, before the World Health Organization confirmed it mid March as Image: Photo by Anna on Unsplash
on 23.08.20
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Canada has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. With 79,000 cases as of May 20th, Canada is set to overtake China soon in terms of confirmed cases, yet our cases per capita remains less than half that of our neighbours to the south, the United States. Image: Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash
on 23.08.20
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As of mid of April, most Sub-Saharan African countries had reported that they are facing COVID-19, totalling over some 10,000 cases, including around 500 deaths. These figures are constantly changing as the pandemic progresses, and cases reported do not necessarily reflect the total magnitude of infection because the amount Image: Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash
on 23.08.20
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic health, social and economic impact on the lives of citizens across the globe. In the face of this adversity, civil society has moved quicker than governmental institutions. We are seeing unprecedented levels of community-based solidarity through grass-root movements in both urban and Image: Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash
on 22.08.20
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For the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region, the crisis has severely tightened external financing conditions across the income spectrum. It has disrupted trade, supply chains, investment flows, with a sharp fall in consumer and investor confidence.
on 16.06.20
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I would like to start with a recent quote from the UN-Secretary General, who said: “The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency… an economic crisis, a social crisis and a human crisis that is fast becoming a human rights crisis.”
on 24.04.20
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Italy has been one of the hardest-hit countries by the pandemic. The response from citizens has been exemplary, yet the principles of Democracy were also hit hard.
on 24.04.20
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From an early stage, the State of Morocco has been aware of the urgency of the situation and set up a strategy on several axes; a strategy involving all the actors, public and private sectors and civil society, who have taken rapid and coordinated actions to mitigate the health, social and economic impact of the crisis.
on 24.04.20
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In my capacity as Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) Panel on Trade and Investment, I would like to share with you the approach adopted by our Assembly to facilitate the dissemination of data, official information and practices among our members.
on 24.04.20
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While COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth an unprecedented crisis around the world, it has made us realise one basic thing – the wellbeing of an individual or the welfare of any country, nation or even a region is not an isolated issue, confined within parameters of only its own welfare.
on 24.04.20
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